Friday, November 19, 2010

read deleted SMS messages on any nokia s60/70/80 phone

This would help all ppl who accidently deleted an important sms and lost valuable information.

Required utility:
Any system explorer or file explorer program(eg. Fexplorer)

Step 1) Open Fexplorer

Step 2) Select drive C: or D: depending on the memory in which the Sms messages have been saved.

Step 3) For example u selected c: , Then open "system" folder.

step 4) Then in "system" folder open "mail" folder.

step 5) Then in this folder u will see different folders (eg 0010001_s) and certain files (eg 00100000). These files are the actual messages. Browse through every folder and open all files till u get the sms u are looking for.

Step 6) For opening the files don't choose options>file>open as it will show format not supported rather choose options>file>hex/text viewer. By selecting the "Hex/ text viewer" u ll be able to open and read the deleted SMS message.

Please post ur replies wheter it works on ur phone on not. I ve tested it on my 6600 with latest version of Fexplorer.

Note: This will not work if u ve intentionally deleted the contents of The "mail" folder.

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