Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kundli Pro 6 for windows

"everything in computer astrology"
EditByBSEditor: It has more than 50 types of reports Following are the reports printed on printer and viewed on screen : Nomenclature, Birth Details, Lagna Chart (with speed of planets), Chalit - Cusp, Rasi - Navamsa, Sudershan Chart, Aspects, Sayan Lagna Chart, Sayan Cusp Chart, K.P. Lagna Chart, K.P. Cusp Chart, K.P. Significator (with Aspects), K.P. Significator Chart, Shadash-Varga 16-Charts, Planet Relations, Shadbala, Astakvarga, Sade-Sati, Ashtotari Antar and Prati Antar Dasa, Vimshotari Antar Dasa and Prati Antar Dasa, Favourable Points, How to wear Stone, Sadesati Remedies, Compatibility Table, General Predictions, Yearly Predictions.
In addition of horoscope casting the software also generates match-making reports for a boy and a girl. i.e. given the birth details of both it generates the matching compatibility of both for marriage purpose. you can free download Kundli 2009 3.9 now.

Download 6.54 MB

Download Link Click HERE
