Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shipra's English TO Hindi Dictionary


Shipra's Dictionary has a great image of popularity among Indians. The reason behind its popularity is its bilingual capability. Yes, its very well know English to Hindi dictionary. You can find the Hindi meaning of any commonly used word of English from its large database of more then 22600 Englishwords with Multiple Hindi meanings. 
Despite its simple design and limited features It is a very successful player in its game. It is because free offline English-Hindi Dictionaries on internet are very rare and it is one of them. 
Searching a Hindi meaning of an English word is very easy even if you do not know the exact spelling because it has the capability of short listing the words as you type character by character in real time. So you can choose the right word from the short listed words. 
Right pane of the dictionary lists all the words available in its database, and you just required to click on the word to see its meaning in Hindi. This list may be very useful for many users. 
But on the negative side if we compare it with English to English dictionaries the words databaseis very small, and so sometimes you will not find meaning of some useful words. Its another drawback is that it just gives simple Hindi meaning of words and not detailed description, Synonyms, Hypernym, Hyponym or Antonym etc. 
It uses the MS Access based database. Due to which it shows some poor performance and also consume some extra MB of your Harddisk. But we can see it as a feature also because you can edit the MS Access based database to add new words. 
It also does not have wildcard search capability. 
In this war of features and drawbacks I will say that something is better then nothing. 


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