Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.1 Lite Edition [EN-RU] - Silent Install

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.1 Lite Edition [EN-RU] - Silent Install

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.1 Lite Edition [EN-RU] - Silent Install | 166 MB

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0.1 Lite Edition - is to create rich, interactive applications - Develop an attractive design for interactive Web applications and components. Build 3D-objects, graphics, and realistic drawing effects to their projects, editing of 3D-objects for video - create and edit 3D-objects and animations, and manipulate graphics and text to video projects.
Cross-platform support for 64-bit computing will help accelerate the process of work. In addition, you can make spectacular images of HDR and use them as background for the movie.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended - a complete solution for the professional processing of images with more powerful editing and compositing, as well as the latest tools for creating and editing three-dimensional and animated graphics.
Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended - the industry standard for graphic designers - includes the most current tools for image processing, compositing and painting, as well as peaceful tools to create, edit and improve 3D-graphics and animated content.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended - a perfect solution for:
- Videospetsialistov
- Designers working with at-across media
- Web Designers
- Designers of interactive projects

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Lang: EN-RU
Medicine: Yes



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