Tuesday, May 4, 2010

FX Equation v4.003.8

FX Equation v4.003.8

FX Equation is simply the fastest way to produce mathematical and scientific equations. It provides an equation creation environment that really is "Astoundingly Quick".

FX Equation 4 adds automatic vertical alignment of equals signs and a high speed toolbar entry system that can speed up entry of more complicated equations. FX Equation also adds short division signs, "fill in the blank" boxes, combinations, permutations, arcs, highlighted lines and an on-screen keyboard for use with interactive whiteboards. The full list of FX Equation 4 features is listed below.

To use FX Equation, you just type the equation. FX Equation looks at what you have typed and puts everything in the right place. You never have to touch the mouse.

New Features:

* Vertical Alignment
* Highlight Lines
* Toolbar Equation Entry
* On Screen Keyboard
* Combinations and Permutations
* Boxes
* Equation Numbers
* Arcs
* Short Division
* Expanded Conjugates

Other Features:

* Integrals
* Limits
* Sums and Products
* Scientific Notation
* Column Vectors
* Matrices
* Mixed Numerals
* Recurring Decimals
* Greatest Integer
* Definite Integrals

Other Features Continued:

* User Defined Shortcuts
* Subscripts
* Roots
* Lower Case Vectors
* Greek Letters
* Symbols
* Fractions
OS: WinAll
Language: English

Download Link Click HERE

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